FES Workshop on Trade Unions and ASEAN Regional Economic Integration

With the committed support of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Germany, representatives of GUFs affiliates and trade unions gathered in Bogor, Indonesia on 9 to 11 February 2009 to convene a two and a half day workshop on trade unions and the ASEAN regional economic integration. This workshop was attended by 50 senior trade union officials from eight (8) of the ten ASEAN member countries namely, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam. They come from ASEAN-based union affiliates of Building and Woodworkers International (BWI), International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers Unions (ICEM), International Transport Workers Federation (ITF), International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers Federation (ITGLWF), Public Services International (PSI), and Union Network International (UNI). Together, the participants represent workers in numerous key economic sectors including construction, forestry and plantations, telecommunications, finance, commerce, postal and logistics, graphical, health care, garment and textile, public services, utilities, chemical and petroleum, and air, land and sea transport. A general work plan was drawn up from this workshop. It was agreed that the starting point for ASEAN trade unions’ engagement and program is to conduct an impact study on the ASEAN regional integration process on workers and trade unions. The findings of these sector based studies will serve as the constructive and collective efforts of trade unions in the region to engage in meaningful dialogues with key regional and national stakeholders. The result can then also be translated into clear and easily understood materials for advocacy purposes to be mass disseminated among the grassroots. Most importantly, this workshop marks a historic convening of ASEAN-based trade unions affiliated to the Global Union Federations (GUFs) which set out comprehensive action plan for unionists to constructively engage with ASEAN on its economic integration frameworks and plans. It concluded with the first ever ASEAN trade unions statement, the Bogor Statement of ASEAN Trade Unions Unity Towards ASEAN Regional Economic Integration, made in response to the development of ASEAN regional integration process and in clear articulation of the aspirations of the trade unions representatives. On the following day, 12th February 2009, twenty representatives of the workshop were invited to have a dialogue with Dr Anish Roy, Director for the Bureau of Resources Development. Dr Roy is directly responsible for the planning, coordinating and implementation of the regional programs towards the establishment of the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community. Also present at this meeting was Dr Donald Tambunan, Senior Officer at the Bureau of Economic and Functional Cooperation. Erwin Schweisshelm, FES Resident Director based in Jakarta introduced the delegation to the ASEAN Secretariat. The UNI Apro Regional Secretary presented the Bogor Statement to the ASEAN Secretariat and introduced ASETUC. He highlighted the priority for the ASEAN Trade unions and their commitment to contribute constructively in the building of a Peoples ASEAN. On behalf of the ASETUC, he seek the ASEAN Secretariat co-operation and support in their endeavour to develop social dialogue with Employers and Government aimed primarily to promote harmonious and partnership industrial relations. He pointed out this is central in sustaining the viability and productivity of business and in creating decent, secure and sustainable job. Dr Roy welcomed ASETUC commitment and encouraged ASETUC to apply for accreditation with ASEAN to facilitate their participation.