Women in India; Empowered?

AAaahhh 365 days in a year and only one day for women!
A survey across 8 cities in India has showed that regardless whether a woman is married or single, the hold of patriarchy is still very strong where their priorities and time are spend on what the men folk tells them to focus on.
While Indian women had made some progress in the area of politics, education and climbing the career path, the survey reflect the trend where women have not say or little say in where their time and money can be spend. Only 46% admitted to deciding how their money was spend or invested with 52% of the working women being able to decide for themselves.
The findings are especially sobering because those surveyed are relatively young, in the 20 to 40 age group, and from the highest social-economic categories.
The responses to the survey questions illustrate just how entrenched patriarchy remains and more needs to be done to change the mindsets before the change in women’s economic status translate into genuine empowerment. Social economic independence is one way to do this, as well as allowing women to participate in governance.
What women in India said
Career 24% Family 67% Shouldn’t have to choose 9% |
Yes 40% No 52% Can’t say 7% |
Myself 46% Parents 22% Husband/Partner 32% |
The poll was conducted exclusively for Times of India by market research agency Synovate India.