In Solidarity with Union Leader Laid Off by Claro
In 2007 union leader Alexandre was laid off without just cause. On that occasion the union got him reinstated because the company recognized his job tenure as a leader elected by his worker category. However, the company never actually accepted the reinstatement of this worker and leader and unilaterally sought to get him dismissed for just cause. As it happens, under Brazilian law just cause for dismissal can only be alleged if evidence of an employee’s misconduct is provided by the employer. So far, no material evidence against Alexandre has been presented by Claro.
This is not the first time that a union leader has been laid off by this company in flagrant disregard of Brazilian law. In 2002, a woman union leader was fired in another Brazilian state (SINTTEL-RN) and the company was forced to reinstate her. Claro also dismissed another union leader from SINTTEL-GO. This is seen to happen in other Latin American countries where the company operates. Consequently, we ask for the solidarity of UNI Global Union co-workers’ and request them to send letters to demand that Alexandre’s lay-off be immediately revoked so that he may return to his job as soon as possible.
Ana Cristina Barcelos Rodrigues
Relações Trabalhistas e Sindicais
Antonio Carlos Aguiar
Assessor Jurídico
Our union [ NAME OF UNION ] is outraged at the news received from our colleagues of Telecom Workers’ Union of the State of Rio de Janeiro – SINTTEL-Rio and UNI Global Union, a union organization representing nearly 20 million workers in 150 countries throughout the world. We demand the immediate reinstatement of union leader Alexandre Barbosa da Silva to his job.
Based on the information we have received, Claro has at no time provided evidence of having any reason to dismiss union leader Barbosa for just cause. SINTTEL-Rio has already given notice to Claro, requiring it to present evidence that Barbosa’s lay-off was for just cause. Until now, however, we have not been informed that such evidence has been presented. We repeat our demand for Alexandre’s immediate reinstatement to his job.
Sincerely yours,
[Name of Union President or Secretary General]