UNI Europa and CoESS adopts a common position on Public Procurement
In the framework of the European Social Dialogue for Private Security, UNI Europa and CoESS have adopted a common position on the revised directive on public procurement with a view lobby EU institutions.
The Confederation of European Security Services (CoESS – www.coess.eu) and UNI Europa (www.uni-europa.org), the European trade union federation, are pleased to announce that – in the framework of their European Sectoral Social Dialogue for the Private Security Service Sector – they have published a joint position paper on public procurement.
Both UNI Europa and CoESS have taken note of the European Commission’s Directive proposal on the modernisation of public procurement and wish to submit their joint position with regard to the legislative proposal. In their joint position paper, CoESS and UNI Europa provide their views and analysis on a series of provisions in the Directive, which they believe will have a high impact on both companies and employees providing private security services. In particular they wish to underline their joint commitment to a more socially responsible public procurement process. They also wish to provide an assessment on the Directive specifically as regards the double objectives of the reform: the strategic use of public procurement and the inclusion of social criteria in the procurement process and a more efficient use of public spending.
The paper has been sent to a list of contacts in the European Institutions that are involved in the revision and the debate on the directive on public procurement. CoESS and UNI Europa have planned common lobbying activities towards the European Parliament and the European Commission.
For further information regarding UNI Europa and CoESS’ joint position paper on public procurement, please do not hesitate to contact Laila Castaldo, Policy Officer for Property Services sector.