Over 70 leaders and representatives of 35 Asia-Pacific trade unions and associations representing workers in the journalism, media, entertainment and arts industry met in Kuala Lumpur from 19 to 21 September to commit to organise to shape the future of the media industry in the Asia-Pacific.
Following on from the IFJ-UNI Bali resolution on 1 October, 2010, the 2012 joint meeting – “Strong Unions, Strong Media: Organizing for Power at Work” demonstrated their strong commitment to deepen cross regional and cross sectoral cooperation and linkages.
The group resolved to address a series of priorities through joint cooperation and national and regional actions including:
· Safety and security for all journalists and media workers and an end to impunity;
· Legal reforms that respect core labour and freedom of expression standards including all positive obligations through international conventions;
· Employment arrangements that respect our careers and professionalism by empowering media workers to build their careers both inside and outside traditional employment relationships;
· Independent public broadcasting that reflects the communities they serve and
· Strengthened unions of journalists and media workers as the democratic arm of the industry with greater cooperation and unity at a national and regional level.
IFJ and UNI are taking action to translate these common priorities into concrete cooperation and joit work announced. The two sister organisations announced the setting-up of the International News Safety Institute Asia-Pacific to be hosted by the UNI Apro office in Singapore from 2013. IFJ and UNI will to work with INSI AP on safety and security issues as part of their continuing campaign to create a safe environment and end impunity of the regional office.
Download joint statement of IFJ - UNI Asia Pacific Regional Seminar by clicking on the menu "related files" above.