UNI Europa honours Ken Loach for his support of workers’ struggles
Ken Loach declined the award of the Italian National Museum of Cinema in Turin in support of the cleaners and security guards working there. It is seldom to see acts of real solidarity like the one undertaken by Ken Loach. UNI Europa, in a letter sent to Ken Loach, thanked him for taking this opportunity to stand alongside the cleaners and security guards, who were threatened and mistreated in their struggle to hold on to their salaries and acquired benefits. The pressure on these workers and their families was enormous.
Having someone as famous with an extensive list of accomplishments, acknowledge the importance and legitimacy of their struggle is very moving indeed and highly appreciated. This continues Ken Loach’s commitment to worker’s causes, well depicted in “Bread and Roses” where he succeeded in making the story of the Justice for Janitors Campaign in Century City come alive through the medium of film.
His cinematic work has been outstanding and UNI Europa, the European trade union for the services sectors, on behalf of the seven million service workers it represents, decided to give Ken Loach a lifetime achievement award for his solidarity with workers throughout his career.
Unfortunately, due to a very busy schedule, Ken Loach could not meet with UNI Europa leadership to receive this award in his honour. UNI Europa will give him the award, in the coming months. Ken Loach in his reply thanked UNI Europa:
“Dear Friends,
I am very touched by this honour. You are very generous to make this presentation and I would like to say a big thank you. A am very sorry not to be with you in person - but I'm there in spirit! Of course, we all know that the real heroes are people like those in Torino, who are prepared to fight for the right to belong to a union, for fair wages and job security. Attacks on workers, as in Torino, are happening across Europe. Mass unemployment, the cutting of welfare benefits, and the lack of security in every aspect of life - all this demands a response. The old parties of the centre left are now compromised by their support for the austerity programme. Their idea of a compassionate capitalism that can be made to work in the interests of all is clearly a fraud. Predictable, when faced with this truth, they line up with the parties of the Right. We need to start again. We need new parties of the Left that understand and defend the interests of ordinary people. We need to unite in this project across Europe. We can only succeed if we make a reality of the "Internationale"!
I hope your union, and all unions, go from strength to strength.
With warmest good wishes,
Ken Loach"